Guiding Hand - Bhrigu Nadi Astrology
In-Person Readings

In-Person Birth Chart Readings ✨
I’ll be attending a number of events where you can get your birth chart reading in person! Feel free to join me at any of the listed events below.
Events I will be attending ✨
I’m excited to share the events that I’ll be attending where you can book an in-person birth chart reading! Check out the list below and come say hi!
1. Dallas Psychic Fair - https://dallaspsychicfair.com/ - 1 day event on 1st Sunday of every month
2. The Holistic Fair - TheHolisticFair.com - 1 day event on the 2nd Sunday of every two months
3. Wellness Expo in Grapevine - https://wellnessexpo.net/ - 2 days event once in every 3 months
For readings outside of these events, you can also book a phone session anytime via my online booking page.
Before heading to an event, please double-check with the event organizers or the event website to confirm that I’ll be there, as my attendance can vary.
I am really looking forward to reading for you & can’t wait to connect with you all!